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Leap of Faith Complete Idiocy

As promised, here is the story of Captain Baha's legendary leap.

The Tissue Run Traffic cone mutilation Dude doing something to the... whatever you call it. Watching for meteors I saw one!

Long ago, before college started and everyone got swamped with work, part of the FAG organization (FART And Gummy) spent time at the FAG headquarters, formerly the FART HQ. After hours of drinking copious amounts of Coca-Cola, pigging out on chips and pancakes, playing computer games, listening to loud music, staring at the sky looking for the occasional burning meteor, playing chess with themselves outside, eating noodles swimming in what looked like raw sewage, and running around like complete idiots, they passed out.


The next morning, they woke up (duh). Captain Baha went up to the roof to retrieve the things they left up there, including a thermos, a pair of binoculars, a jar of peanut butter, some spoons, and a pair of slippers, among other things. While he was up there throwing things off the roof, killing a herd of microscopic donkeys in the process, the rest of FAG proposed an idea to Captain Baha: jump off the roof.

Now, any sane man who values his health would back away from such an absurd idea, but Captain Baha wasn't exactly sane, nor did he value his health (hey, this is the same dude who fell into the sewers while playing gotcha). He agreed to the idea and took a position on the edge of the roof.

All right, I'm game.

Here we have Captain Baha standing at the edge of the roof. At this point, he still hasn't realized what he's agreed to do, which is why he's still got that smile on his face.

... You're kidding, right?

So now he realizes the risk he's taking. That worried look on his face is priceless.

There he goes.

And in a feat that singlehandedly proved that utter stupidity wins over common sense 99% of the time, Captain Baha jumped off the roof. The sound of him hitting the ground was clearly audible 20 meters away. FAG felt the impact more than they heard it.

Rolling around in excruciating pain 1

Rolling around in excruciating pain 2

The two pictures above show Captain Baha rolling around in pain on the ground. Remember, kids: jumping off the roof is not beneficial to your health, nor is it good for your friends, either. The rest of FAG nearly died laughing.

He survived?

Lo and behold, Captain Baha, being the awfully resilient bastard he is, managed to pick himself up off the ground and walk away smiling.

Captain Baha, I, the Guardian of the Garden of Kadesh, salute you!


Note 1: Prankoys is thinking of going to the FAG HQ and proposing a name change for the group.

Note 2: It's nice being the one with the camera.
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